Naked Face - Simply Saved

April 17, 2012

Naked Face

  As girls we all have insecurities.  Something we want to change.  We are constantly judging ourselves.  With all the magazines and models it's hard not to judge yourself.  Trust me, I have confidence issues.  I was born with blonde eyelashes and blonde eyebrows, so makeup is such a big part of my routine to get ready these days.  Sometimes it's hard not to want thick, dark eyelashes and beautiful wavy brown hair.  But the bible says,

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
your works are wonderful
I know that full well.
Psalm 139:12

  If we are fearfully and wonderfully made why do we want change so badly?  If God made you with his own two hands why do we want to change ourselves?  Now don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying never wear makeup again or anything.  I'm just saying love you for who you are, because God DOES.  

  Alright, that is me.  Without makeup.  That was a lot harder to post than it should have been.  See what I mean though?  No eyelashes or eyebrows whatsoever.  And I do smile. Ha.

  See, I told you!   I'm pretty sure I have two different size eyes though.  Eek.  I can't wait to get my braces off.  You love all my freckles though, right?  

  I am embracing my natural face and I'm trying not to wear so much makeup.  Because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Good luck girls!

Au Revior!

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