things that say a lot about people: - Simply Saved

December 03, 2012

things that say a lot about people:

  • the way which they treat the waiter/waitress
I like to come off as polite, but I have a naturally shy nature when it comes to people I am not familiar with. I am usually more on the quiet side with new people.

  • how they feel about the weather
I have to admit that my view on the weather changes daily. It usually depends on my mood. But if  had to choose I would pick when you are at the beach and the sun is setting, and it's the perfect temperature with a slight breeze.

  • whether they dog ear pages or highlight in books 
I actually do dog ear my books, because I don't want to lose my spot! I get so sucked into my books, I can't stand the though of losing my place.

  • fingernails 
My fingernails do what they want. They're never painted because they always chip off. And my length is pretty medium.  Not too long, not too short.

  • and hands in general
My hands aren't soft, but they're not rough either. Somewhere in between I guess.  But I do have realllly long fingers

  • their preferred creative outlet
Singing and music. Definitely.

  • how much they dread/enjoy talking on the phone
I am awful at talking on the phone. Seriously, it's awful.

  • whether or not they drink coffee
Why yes, I do drink coffee.  And I like it black with some sugar.

  • if they ever forget to eat
Hahahaa no. I'm always eating, and get teased about it occasionally. What can I say? I love food.

  • how honest they are with themselves (and others)
I would like to say I'm pretty honest with myself. I can usually figure out what I'm feeling, but my problem is putting it into words. That's usually where music comes in...

  • if they correct your grammar
I don't usually correct other people's grammar, but I'm very strict about mine. Unless I'm talking to my bestfriend!

  • and whether or not they get nervous before haircuts
Yes and no. I usually like to do something drastic to my hair so that's why I get nervous.

(via tumblr)

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