why don't we explore - Simply Saved

June 25, 2012

why don't we explore

  I have always been fascinated by old houses.  Something about them is oddly compelling to me.  Maybe it's their history.  The stories lying underneath the dust and dirt.  

  Or maybe it's just the feel they give off.  They're forgotten, abandoned.  Left to crumble and rot.  Sometimes intentional, sometimes not.  Isn't it interesting though, to imagine what kind of people lived there.  What they did, what they wore, and what they ate.  

  You couldn't walk two feet without running into a piece of glass, it was worth it.  Window glass, bottle glass.  You name something made out of glass, it was there.  Broken and discarded.  It was like an obstacle course out there.  I guess it's a good thing I wore my converse.

These movies were great.  I would definitely see them again.

All the glass.

Have y'all ever been to a Drive-In before?

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