Vas Happenin' - Simply Saved

April 10, 2012

Vas Happenin'

  Spring Break has come and gone.  It seems like it went by too fast.  Time seems to be slowing down as we get closer and closer to summer.  The days are getting warmer while nights are getting shorter.  Life is good.

  C is aspiring to be a photographer, like her big Sis. (;  I snapped quite a few pictures of her taking pictures.  She has her own blog if you wanna check it out.  She has lots of her pictures up.

Easter was great, perfect for driving. (;  You know, cause I'm still learning how to drive a stick shift.  Hoping to get my permit this year!

  I SERIOUSLY have One Direction Infection. AHHH, they are so amazing.  I mean really, have you heard them?

Oh, sorry.  Didn't mean to go all fangirl on you.

Anyway,  I made a Louis egg.  I was pretty proud.  But apparently it looked like a Humpty Dumpty.  So, I made one that was really HD.  I don't know if you can tell, but I broke his head.  And he's crying.

  I only dyed half of my Easter eggs. Cause, you know, I'm a rebel.  Yeah.

How was you Easter?
Au Revior!

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