looking back - Simply Saved

December 31, 2011

looking back

 it seems like 2011 went by so fast this year.  time seemed to truly fly.  although i'm sad to see it go,  i'm looking forward to a fresh new year.  this year seemed like such a big one.  so many things were accomplished.  i finally saved up enough money for my camera,  my uncle got off of chemo therapy,  and i got my blog business up and running.

i feel like my photography has improved dramatically this year.  i learned how to properly use my camera and i'm slowly making my way towards manual mode.  it's just one of those things that you love.  the feeling of a camera in my hand and a picture that i love,  it's just something i can't get enough of.   here are some of my favorite pictures of the year.

which one is your favorite?
happy new years!

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