last sunday of summer - Simply Saved

September 05, 2011

last sunday of summer

  Well, it's September.  Which means school.  Which starts tomorrow.  Which is very,very sad.  Because it means summer is officially over.  At least for another year.  But I guess I'm okay with that.  Tomorrow is my first day of High school.  I don't think it has really sunken in that I am officially a freshman //or fresh "meat" as my best friend likes to call it!  I know.  She's crazy(; //  So I will write with my sparkly nails that I found on pinterest and read history books without daydreaming of long summer nights and care free days.  And get back on a "normal" schedule.  But summer will always hold a special place in my ♥.  And even though I may not believe it some days yes,  I will survive until next summer.  Because I have moments like these to look forward to.

Happy Fall Y'all!

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