Little Miss - Simply Saved

April 03, 2011

Little Miss

      The yard sale went amazing! We had more traffic than I ever thought we would. We raised about three hundred and fifty dollars! It's all going into the Dowd's Crowd fund. We were so, so excited! I am so glad it went so well, and we sold a bunch of stuff. I'm so proud of all the hard work put into this. We already doubled our goal to raise before the race, and we still have a few weeks until the 'deadline'. Hopefully this will help find a cure for brain cancer!

       Todays weather was so, so amazing today! Seventy degrees with a warm breeze. It was just too nice to stay inside, so we decided to go out. What started out as innocent swinging and sliding turned into a humongous water fight. Including two new water guns, big plastic cups, and a car wash bucket. I, for some reason was the target for the big bucket. Yeah. Lets just say that I was soaked by the time we came inside. The only reason we came inside was because it was getting dark and muddy. BUT not before I finally got a hold of the bucket and got my watery revenge(; It felt so summery! I'm welcoming summer with a big smile. It seems that it's taking forever for summer to come. Even spring is struggling this year! Lets just say I am so ready for it to come---and stay!    
P.S.  I am lovin' this song lately---
        I like the message(:

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