18.83% - Simply Saved

February 22, 2011


(Random things that I need to throw in here)   Sorry I didn't get around to a tutorial last week. I've been helping my Aunts with there blogs and re-doing mine. So it's been pretty busy. Not to mention my family is training for a 5k. Were going to run in the 5K for brain cancer, so were training to run 3 miles! I just started and I think I'm doing pretty good. Hopefully I can eventually run 3 miles! 

(real post!)
Okay! I found a camera that I'm going to save up for!

It's a Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xs Black 10.1
It's expensive though, but I'm gonna save every last penny for it! I'll save up enough eventually. Atleast it comes with a lense. I'm excited though! I've been searching for an 'in between' camera but they all take AA batteries. So I decided to save up for a bigger camera instead. I want to get into photography more. I love looking at other peoples so I decided to get serious about it. My favorites are the random ones you capture. You know when you're not even trying to get 'photography' pictures but you get the perfect one? Let's just say my Fujifilm was better than having no camera at all. I was at the park the other day and my little brothers and there friends were playing with bubbles and I wanted a camera so bad, but I'll be happy when I do have a camera. You can check out my camera fund tracker on my sidebar! Go 18.83% !


What kind if photography style do you like?

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