Camera - Simply Saved

January 01, 2011


This is a short post but as you see I found a camera I want! Its from FujiFilm at target. Its exactly what I need too. It small and compact but still good quality. You see I got a camera for my Birthday and its just.......... I don't know. Its has a list of things wrong with it....
  1. The flash won't work or if it does its very Iffy
  2. the quality is terrible
  3. It take 5 minutes to 'warm up'
  4. Its battery life is like an hour
  5. The strap broke
  6. The quality is iffy too

As you see I need a new one so I'm starting a savings jar and every single thing I earn or get goes in. I hope to have it before the end of the year! Lets hope all goes well! Oh and I'm thinking about doing a signature........maybe. I'm thinking about how that will look. Until then!

Much Love,


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